
Introduction: the results of treatment in implantology have been evaluated mainly as implant survival rates in small groups of patients selected from specialized clinical or university settings. There is evidence to support polymorphisms that could be linked to some biological complications in implantology. The results may vary according to the origin or ethnic mixtures of the population studied. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the polymorphisms IL-10 A/G rs1800896 and TNF-α G308A rs1800629308 and the loss of dental implants and periodontal disease. Material and method: 140 patients were selected, 10 with implant losses within a maximum period of 6 months of their placement. Each patient voluntarily consented to participate in the study (approved by CIEIS Adult Hospital Córdoba) Filiatory and clinical data were collected in a clinical history. Samples of clinically healthy oral mucosa were obtained and genotyped by PCR and RFPL. Results: The population consisted of male and female individuals in similar proportions (p=0.6121). The average age was 53.06±16.22 years, and an age variation range of 20 to 80 years. 7.7% of the patients included in the study had loss of their implant. It was observed that 62.5% of the patients who presented loss of implants were women. Of the patients with missing implants, 75% were smokers and did not consume alcohol. On the other hand, in relation to periodontal disease only 31% presented disease. In relation to genotype, patients with lost implants had 50% of the mutated allele of the SNP TNFα rs1800629, while 50% of patients with periodontal disease were carriers of the mutated allele for SNP IL-10 rs1800896. On the other hand, considering the total population under study, 31.06% of the patients presented the genotypes with the genetic variation, AG+GG, of the IL10 rs1800896 gene; while 64.07% presented the AA and GA genotypes, (both with the mutated allele) of the TNF-α G308A rs1800629 gene. No significant association (p=0.3298) was observed between IL10 rs1800896 genotypes and periodontal disease; contrary to whether there was a significant relationship of this SNP with periodontal disease (p=0.0164). Conclusion: The polymorphisms evaluated were not predictive of the failure of dental implants. However, a significant association between periodontal disease and TNF-α rs1800629 genotype could be observed. It is noteworthy that this is the first study that describes the frequency of the SNPs studied in a population of Córdoba–Argentina.


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